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Klaviyo is a marketing automation platform with over 200 native integrations. Connect Klaviyo to your project to bring all of your marketing data into your API Mesh.

Connect Klaviyo

You can connect new services from the Schema page. To get there, open your project's Schema tab. Then, use the "Connect Service" button at the top of the services list, then pick "Klaviyo" from the gallery of available services.

Decide the Name, Slug, and Namespace to use within your API. Then, enter your API Key. After you've filled everything in, hit save.

Find your Klaviyo API key

To find your api key for Klaviyo, log in to your Klaviyo account then access Account → Settings → API Keys

Add Klaviyo queries to your API

After successfully saving your service, you'll be prompted to add queries from Klaviyo to your API.

You can always add more queries to your API Mesh later by visiting the connected service page and using the "Select Klaviyo Queries / Mutations" button.